
Unreal Engine - Blueprints Hyper Choppable Trees V2 v5.1

2025-02-10 17:15:14 label 我要反馈
Unreal Engine - Blueprints Hyper Choppable Trees V2 v5.1

Unreal Engine - Blueprints Hyper Choppable Trees V2 v5.1:

Immerse yourself in a world teeming with trees ripe for the chop with our Hyper Choppable Trees system. Whether you're crafting a production where every tree is a potential resource or simply seeking to populate your world with dynamic foliage, this system has you covered!

  • Two Types of Tree Chopping Logic: Choose between Material Offset based on static meshes for stability and predictability, or Chaos-based trees for visually stunning effects.
  • Material Offset Based on Static Mesh: Simply select your mesh, and the system handles the rest, offering fewer visual effects but unparalleled stability.
  • Chaos-based Trees: Boasting incredible visuals, these trees require additional configuration for optimal performance, offering a less predictable yet visually captivating experience.
  • Log Spawning: Watch as logs materialize when trees fall, fully customizable to suit your needs.
  • Respawn Logic: Keep your world lush and abundant with optional tree respawning over time.
  • Variety of Trees: Enjoy a selection of four different tree types to populate your world.
  • Basic and Advanced Components: Catering to both novice and experienced users, our system offers basic and advanced components for seamless integration into your projects.

Integration Examples Included:

  • Basic Inventory System: Gather items and execute actions effortlessly.
  • UI Manager: Effortlessly manage HUD elements with a sleek Survival Based Theme UI as a prime example.
  • Basic Equipment Manager: Equip tools and weapons at designated sockets, enabling seamless action execution.
  • Basic Combat: Engage in combat and inflict damage using equipped gear.
  • Interaction: Facilitate interactions within your world, enriching the gameplay experience.

Even if you opt not to use our other modular assets, fear not! Our basic integration examples serve as perfect templates for integrating with your existing projects. So, dive into a world of endless possibilities and let your creativity flourish with Hyper Choppable Trees!
