
Blender Market – Easy Neon v1.3

2025-02-10 17:03:27 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Easy Neon v1.3

If you're a fan of making scenes Perhaps you're experiencing similar issues to me. In some instances, I'll need to design the Neon Sign. This can be very laborious.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Easy Neon v1.3

The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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You can now turn the letters in a single direction.

You can now alter the Z position that the extrude is in.

You can now manage both the outer neon as well as your exterior neon in a separate manner! In case you're using letters such as "A", "O", "B" or some other.
