
Aescripts StageTool v1.4 Full + Tutorials

2025-02-10 17:15:29 label 我要反馈
Aescripts StageTool v1.4 Full + Tutorials

Stagetool Enables You to Produce pixel mappings to your VJ Performances very readily inside After Effects. Just simply enter the properties of this LED slit and hit produce! Position the LED pieces to match your point, and export the makeup into Resolume Arena 5, 6 and Arena (7).

  • Produce multiple output compositions.
  • LED tile comments: checkerboard, summarizes, cross-index & much more!
  • Easily insert your logo into the pieces.
  • Live position indexes.
  • Change the colour, scale, rotation of each piece with all the input parameters.
  • Eliminate tiles from you slit with negatives'.
  • Easily screenshot your mask, output and input compositions.
  • Export XML into Resolume Arena 6 & 5, (inclusive rectangle masks).


  • To start with creating your own input and output (s). (an ID text layer will be generated that is connected to the resolution of your essay ). Following that, refresh the goals and choose which output that you would like to send your piece to.
  • Specify the attributes of the piece that you would like to make, and hit the button! (you may reposition your pieces after, the place text layers will be upgraded automatically).
  • Once You're finished with Creating and positioning your pieces, you can just export your compositions, Hide and XML to get Resolume from the export tab.