EVO Excel to pdf Converter can be used with any.NET program to convert Excel XLSX and XLSX files to PDF documents. Excel to PDF Converter doesn't use Microsoft Office or any other third-party tools. You can convert Excel documents into memory buffers or files. The PDF output can also be made in memory buffers, on disks, or as a stream.
EVO Excel to pdf Converter can be used with any.NET program to convert Excel XLSX and XLSX files to PDF documents. Excel to PDF Converter doesn't use Microsoft Office or any other third-party tools. You can convert Excel documents into memory buffers or files. The PDF output can also be made in memory buffers, disk, or stream.
Integration with existing.NET apps is easy. No installation is required. The archive includes the assembly for.NET as well as a demo application. You can find the full C# source code of the demo application in the Samples folder.
EVO Excel to PDF Converter for .NET Great Features:
- Convert Excel XLS and XLSX documents to PDF
- It does not require Microsoft Excel or other third-party tools
- Convert to memory buffer, file, stream, or a PDF object for further processing
- Convert all the worksheets or select the worksheets in the workbook to convert
- Set PDF page size to a standard or a custom size
- Set PDF page orientation and PDF document margins
- Add headers and footers with page numbering to PDF pages
- Append or prepend external PDF files to conversion result
- Password protect and set permissions of the PDF document
- Add a digital signature to generated PDF document
- Add graphic elements to generated PDF document
- Generate PDF/A and PDF/X compliant documents
- Generate CMYK and Gray Scale PDF documents
- Edit existing PDF documents
- Merge multiple PDF documents in a single PDF document
- Split a PDF document into multiple PDF documents
- Support for .NET 4.0 framework and later
- Documentation and C# samples for all the features