Automagically finds edits. Now Having a new discovery engine that is a lot easier to work with and provides better results. What is not to adore?
Now sporting a Brand-new detection engine that will Work from the gate with no adjustments necessary usually. There's also a new attribute to inform Magnum of the number of frames to look across for modifications to compensate for dissolves in addition to a setting to the minimal spectacle span to prevent discovering cuts in fast sequences or strobing footage.
When it finds the edits or scenes you've got these Choices:
Split into fresh layers: This mode may divide the Selected coating into separate layers at each edit.
Trimmed pre-comps: This way will divide the coating and Subsequently pre-comp it in a comp that's the duration of the surface.
Full-length pre-comps: This mode will divide the coating and also pre-comp it into a comp that's precisely the exact same period as the first comp.
Trimmed modification layers: This mode will create a brand new Adjustment layer that's trimmed to the duration of each scene that is discovered.
Place markers on coating: This mode can produce and Place markers at each detected edit stage.
Save thumbnails for every cut/marker: This mode will Export a thumbnail to the selected layers or all layers when none is chosen. If you insert a text layer called: slate it'll burn it into every thumbnail. All distinctive keywords work here too. Position and style your text prior to conducting the export. If you include a text file called: export_template.txt from the export folder then it will use it in order to make an export file.
Again particular key words work here and should you use tabs Or commas it is going to be a spreadsheet. Replace'coating' using'mark' from the Keywords when exporting thumbnails out of mark. Thumbnail size will suit the Comp settlement.