
Adobe Substance 3D Designer v14.1.0 (Win, Mac-v12.4.0)

2025-02-10 16:44:32 label 我要反馈
Adobe Substance 3D Designer v14.1.0 (Win, Mac-v12.4.0)

Adobe Substance 3D Designer

Create seamless patterns, materials images, filters, ambient lights, and 3D models with endless possibilities.

Learn the fundamentals that are the basis of Substance 3D Designer

  • Get your creative juices flowing with these fundamental video tutorials.

Author-authored materials that meet an industry-standard

  • Designer's award-winning technology is utilized by top professionals in different sectors.

Create non-destructively

  • A node-based workflow enables creators to work non-linearly meaning that every stage can be altered at a later time.

Explore the endless possibilities

  • Learn and explore the millions of the community's or Substance 3D Assets library materials to view their graphs of nodes and use them to kick-start an idea for a new one.

Beyond the material

  • Creating patterns and image filters, light, and more using the Designer's toolset is powerful.

Substance 3D Designer's features Substance 3D Designer offer complete control of authoring for the creation of materials -- and much more.

A constantly growing library of content

  • You can access hundreds of patterns, filters, nodes, and randomizable noises.

HDR lighting creation

  • Create lighting stages that are parametric using procedural lighting as well as 360deg image.

Color management

  • Make use of Pantone as well as OpenColorIO support.

MDL support

  • Create MDL materials by using the shader graph that is specifically designed for it.

Open ecosystem

  • Send your filters and materials and filters to any of the Substance 3D apps.
