Blender Market Asset Management v2.70: Through Blender's Asset Management, you can manage your library and include assets in Blender using automatic thumbnail creation.
All your assets are all in One Place!
The only Addon that creates thumbnails on your behalf!
Thumbnail Generator
Utilizing the Thumbnail Generator it is possible to make different types of thumbnails. Thumbnail RENDER The addon creates the thumbnails for your assets using your default scenes. It is possible to set the shaders within the preferences and then create your own custom rendering. You can modify the entire thing, add the Ambient Occlusion(AO) shader, block the floor, create an outline or make use of the shaders in your assets.
THUMBNAIL OpenGL RENDER The thumbnail utilizes OpenGL rendering that includes Matcaps and Ambient Occlusion(AO) DOF, etc! This is the quickest method to add the asset you want to add by using an angle that is custom to your camera. You can make use of all the options of the viewport, it's very easy to use and you'll appreciate it.)
Gfx plugin details of Blender Market Asset Management v2.70
The product is in category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
Thumbnail Image: You can choose an image from your computer or you can use the Render Results.
Linking: You may link objects or even materials.
Smart Import: Asset Management places the asset in the selected list!
Nothing selected: Asset will be placed in the middle of the screen.
Object(s) chosen: Asset will be put at the root of the chosen object(s).
Face(s) chosen: Assets will be placed on faces and will be used in the normal orientations for those faces.
REPLACE ASSETS You are able to replace one or more assets with an additional one, and you could do this with linked assets, too. The addon will follow the direction of the prior asset.
Edit Assets: You can Edit an asset right in the browser. This lets you modify the asset in order to make it exactly the way you want it to be. The add-on will save your scene in the current state, then launch the asset's scene, and once you save it the add-on will then start your scene and the asset will be updated.
and more: With Asset Management you are able to: Select to work with existing materials, or group them to prevent .001, .002, etc Delete unneeded data. Use an active layer. The addon will automatically save your scene to the temp. when you add an asset to your library. Popup window to work in full screen (CTRL + double LMB) You are able to place the addon into the panel N or T. It is possible to add different kinds and types of objects to the library.