
Blender Market – Simple Bend v2.2.0

2025-02-10 17:14:29 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Simple Bend v2.2.0

Blender Market – Simple Bend v2.2.0: Simple Bend is a valuable tool for sub-divided bending meshes.

The edge loops are added to subdivide your mesh.

  • Choose the faces that you want to bend (it could be all faces of the middle part)
  • Use the tool and rag on the yellow Axis until you bend.

It can bend your mesh by dragging it along the screen's Axis.

You can modify the selected part only and allow the other geometries to follow. (Press C to select the element)

Edge Axis mode

This is the most advanced option that is used for Simple Bend. It's beneficial to bend at any defined angle.

It's as follows :

  • The tool will read its "last-selected edges" for its bend axis and direction. It requires two edges and should not be co-linear (exact directions).
  • It would be best if you shifted itoBlender's Edge mode to use the Edge mode. Select the area and hold the Shift button and then select"2 edges", then un-select "2 edges", then select those "2 edges" (this procedure makes those edges the final selection in Blender). Then, start the program.

Take note of this from the above GIF, when you select the last two edges, it is crucial :

  • First edge: Mesh direction.
  • Second edge: Bending direction.

Blender edit mode. Switch in Face mode to Edge mode.

( Not: The result may be strange if you have changed their mesh in the Object mode before applying the tools. Make sure to resize the mesh in Edit mode)

There are two options for the tool:

  • To run the tool in Basic mode, use Face mode to run the tool.
  • For Edge mode use Edge mode to run the tool.

Right-click in the 3D viewport, then choose "Simple Bend" at the lower right in the menu that pops up (Blender's contextual menu).

On Screen Key

The S-key is used only to alter the selected vertex, and it is helpful when are select the mesh's surface and bending it by hand.

W key  Switch the bent Axis, which will alter the bend's direction.

C Bend Bend only one side instead of both sides. Press the C key repeatedly to switch between parts.

Q key: Confirm the bend

ShiBendey, You can hold the shift key to bring the bending amount up to 5 degrees.

After the mesh has been bent after bending it, press the Q key to confirm.

Common Problems:

Please follow the guidelines below before installing

  • Make sure you unzip the zip file of the addon before installing it. If you do, Blender won't install it properly and may create errors.
  • If you downloaded the files that were not zip-file,d, it is time to remove the addon from your system and uninstall the files. Reinstall it (select that zip archive when your install)
  • If you are modeling in Blende,r don't scale your objects using "Object mode; otherwise, it can confuse Blender's mesh data with the additional add-ons. It is recommended to scale objects only in "Edit mode" only. (select all, and then hit the use the key S)

New Changes:

  • Since Blender 3.5.0 has been using the functionality of OpenGL, it is not supported and will display warnings about it. The update introduces Blender's brand new function for GPU.(however, the function does have a problem in smoothing lines)