Unity Asset - Behavior 2 Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works v2.1.4: To define character behavior with precision and depth, utilize a range of AI techniques in this module, designed to seamlessly integrate with Game Creator 2 for optimal performance and functionality.
- State Machines: Employ the intuitive state machines, enabling agents to execute single states simultaneously with transitions to other states. This straightforward approach facilitates easy management of character behaviour.
- Behaviour Trees: Organize systems effectively using behaviour trees, incorporating various node types such as tasks and subgraphs to streamline logic flow. Composite nodes enhance branching capabilities, offering selectors and sequences for versatile behaviour outcomes.
- Decorator Nodes: Fine-tune behaviour outcomes by transforming the results of executed child nodes. Decorators like "Inverse" can alter failure results into successes, enhancing the flexibility of character actions.
- GOAP (Goal-Oriented Action Planning): Implement this innovative technique to define multiple tasks without a predetermined order. The behaviour brain dynamically selects the optimal combination to achieve specified goals, ensuring adaptable character behaviour.
- Utility AI (Needs-Based AI): Utilize this advanced AI technique to prioritize tasks based on dynamic numeric values and easing curves. It is ideal for creating complex character behaviours seen in games like The Sims, where individual needs and personality traits influence decision-making.
This comprehensive module includes:
- Source code for customization and integration.
- Examples and templates to kickstart your AI implementation process.