
Chant GrammarKit v5.0 for .Net & Delphi & CBuilder & Java & C++ and SilverLight CRACKED

access_time 2024-12-18 23:02:30 label 建议反馈
Chant GrammarKit v5.0 for .Net & Delphi & CBuilder & Java & C++ and SilverLight CRACKED

Chant GrammarKit manages the complexities of creating, compiling, and persisting the accumulated grammar binary. It simplifies the process of handling grammars announced with Microsoft SAPI 5 XML Grammar and W3C SRGS XML grammar syntax to use for your favorite speech recognizer. GrammarKit comprises C++, C++Builder, Delphi, Java, and .NET Framework class libraries to support all of your programming languages and gives sample jobs to get popular IDEs - like the latest Visual Studio from Microsoft and RAD Studio from Embarcadero. The course libraries can be incorporated with 32-bit and 64-bit software.

Alter your software into top gear with speech recognition grammars.

A speech recognition grammar is a group of rules included phrases and words to be realized from language. A speech recognition engine (i.e., recognizer) uses grammar to boost its capacity to recognize certain combinations of spoken phrases and words.

With dictation recognition, a recognizer matches from all of the word chances at a huge dictionary. It asserts contextual investigation to make sure it returns the right term (i.e., spelling) for homonyms (e.g., directly or compose ).

Contrary to dictation recognition, grammar recognition is the circumstance. A recognizer merely matches against the principle definitions from the Bible.

Context grammar recognition allows your software to capture information very effectively. Grammars additionally enable your software to maintain domain limitations to increase data capture precision mechanically.

Chant GrammarKit Great Attributes:

  • Compile and confirm grammar syntax
  • Persist compiled grammar binary

Chant GrammarKit manages the complexities of compiling and persisting grammars. This permits you to distribute compiled grammar binary files along with your program, compile grammars as a piece of your set up application, and maximize punctuation enablement at runtime using compiled files. Recognizers possess their own syntax for expressing grammars. GrammarKit supports the next recognizers and their grammar syntax:

  • Microsoft SAPI 5 - SAPI 5 XML Grammar and W3C SRGS XML
  • Microsoft Speech Platform - W3C SRGS XML
  • Microsoft .NET System.Speech - W3C SRGS XML
  • Microsoft .NET Microsoft.Speech - W3C SRGS XML
  • Microsoft Windows Media (UWP) - W3C SRGS XML

Inside Chant Developer Workbench, you can:

  • Make and edit grammars in native grammar syntax.
  • Create word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
  • Edit word pronunciation phonemes (requires LexiconKit)
  • Compile and debug grammars
  • Evaluation grammars with live sound (requires SpeechKit)