After Camera monitoring set the floor plane of your landscape and scatter everything so.
In scenes monitored using AE's 3D camera tracker, then the floor plane Of your landscape frequently ends up as an undercover plane in 3D space. Orient World fixes that with one click you can flip a coating into the floor plane of the own scene, and inhale all accordingly. Or, rather than placing a floor plane, you are able to align your landscape. To tweak it further, you may also manually rotate, scale and rotate your grid into 3D space.
What is more, Orient World Provides an intuitive visualization of The middle of your world. It is possible to turn it off with one click.
Tips For utilizing Orient World with The Foundry's Camera Tracker
In Comparison using all the camera tracker built into After Effects, The Foundry's Camera Tracker produces a null thing that other layers are parented to. In order To create Orient World utilize The Foundry's Camera Tracker, then you have to delete This parent null before employing Orient World.