
Nightscape Lightroom Presets By Creative Creator (LRTEMPLATE)

2025-02-10 16:52:18 label 我要反馈
Nightscape Lightroom Presets By Creative Creator (LRTEMPLATE)

The Nightscape Collection has specially created for town Nighttime photography. . If you enjoy taking photographs before the sun rises or later it Places, then this collection is right for you! Creatively edit your photograph while Lowering the coloring of town nighttime photography. These presets will offer your Pictures a contemporary appearance. These presets will bring out amazing tone and light in Your photographs without undermining quality. These presets have been analyzed with a wide selection of images. You'll Be satisfied with the results since the picture Will seems great, unique, and professional. These presets are specially Designed for photographers. A professional photographer can save valuable moments By employing this result. If You Prefer to give your photographs a smart, stylish look You only need this package. All template of the pack is hand created and analyzed many times. It corrects all sorts of pictures.

Nightscape Lightroom Presets Characteristics:

  1. Nightscape Lightroom Presets analyzed in Lightroom English variant
  2. Professional And of kind outcome attainable in one click
  3. 100% Non-destructive, we've been tasted them different photographs, and the outcomes Is amazing
  4. Easy To use, only a single click
  5. No Camera calibration profiles had
  6. Frequent Future upgrades are free.
  7. Works On RAW and JPEG pictures.
  8. All these Lightroom presets was analyzed and working on Lightroom (English versions) Lightroom CC, Lightroom 6.0, Lightroom 5.5, Lightroom 5.0, Lightroom 4.4, Lightroom 4.3, Lightroom 4.2, Lightroom 4.1, Lightroom 4.0
  9. Create High quality & highly effective output for both print & web media.
  10. Compatible With the Mac and PC.

Including Documents:

  • 20 Nightscape Lightroom Presets (Lightroom Computer )
  • Assist File
