
Aescripts MosaicArt v1.1

2025-02-10 16:38:17 label 我要反馈
Aescripts MosaicArt v1.1

Aescripts MosaicArt v1.1: Advanced mosaic and tile filtering to After Effects.

How to divide Mosaic Art images into grids?

You can use "Aescripts MosaicArt" to edit.

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

New Changes:

  • Added presets
  • Added new Tile Types
  • Fixed negative scale values
  • MosaicArt divides images into grids.
  • Neighbor cells can be combined into more giant cells by
  • Unite Tiles Iterations parameter.

MosaicArt can make multi-frame compositions and randomly distribute frames on the grid.

Frames are distributed in the following ways:

  • based on the brightness of the image base;
  • due to the lightness of a custom layer
  • randomly.
  • Tile texture can be offset or rotated. They can also be scaled, enlarged, and offset.
  • The parameters mentioned above can be randomly selected.
  • Cell texture can also be looped to tile offsets or scaling.
  • Randomly orient each tile by 90 degrees.
  • Animation reveals using Rows Delay, Offset Ramp, and Randomization

Create animated cells and Tile Texture by adjusting the offset.

  • In this mode, the plugin chooses the one color for the cell to be its primary color. Then, using a hue circle, find secondary colors.
  • Noise can be used to distort the shape.
  • Offset, Scale, and Rotate can be used to circle colors.

What is Aescripts MosaicArt?

Aescripts is a platform that offers scripts, plugins, and tools for various creative software applications like Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, and others. "MosaicArt" could be a specific script or plugin developed by Aescripts for creating mosaic effects or artwork within these software programs.
