Unreal engine - MoveIt! Multiplayer Locomotion System v2.401: Introducing MoveIt!, a semi-procedural locomotion system designed for Unreal Engine 4, featuring comprehensive network replication and seamless integration. This versatile system suits various game genres and excels in shooters or melee games with a camera-facing perspective.
MoveIt! was developed to address the need for high-quality, replicated, and performance-focused locomotion solutions lacking in the marketplace. It utilizes multi-threaded animation, a rarity among marketplace assets, enabling improved performance and scalability, allowing for more characters with better performance.
- Turn in Place System
- Orientation Warping
- Speed Warping
- Sprinting, Crouch Running, and Floor Sliding
- Pivoting
- Procedural Ducking
- Speed and other adjustments based on surface
- Procedural Foot IK and Floor Orientation
- Semi-procedural Animation
- Impacts with walls, scuffing walls, and interactions with other characters
- Procedural Footstep System adaptable to any bone
- Smooth transitions between all game modes
- View Component with camera blending and character state transitions
- Procedural Look Targets
- Weapon Pose Adjustment for precise weapon and offhand placement
- Full network prediction and replication
- Easy integration and user-friendly interface
- Clean and efficient multi-threaded animation architecture