The Unity Asset - Multiplayer VR Template enables developers to transform single-player VR projects into Multiplayer VR experiences using a simple template project that leverages Photon PUN 2 for multiplayer capabilities.
How to turn single player virtual reality projects into multiplayer virtual reality experiences?
You can use "Unity Asset - Multiplayer VR Template" to design your project.
The template includes Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit for VR functionality and offers two types of half-body VR avatars. It supports the creation of multiplayer social VR experiences or the integration of multiplayer features into existing projects.
"Unity Asset - Multiplayer VR Template" Samples:
Key features include player login, VR keyboard, full-body VR avatars with UMA 2 customization, room creation and joining by map type, two environments (outdoor and school), comprehensive VR body synchronization, player movement synchronization including teleportation, networked grabbing, and easy voice chat implementation with Photon Voice 2. Additionally, it provides editor scripts for easy multiplayer testing and private room creation with password protection. Essential scripts included are for player synchronization, networked grabbing, room and spawn management, multiplayer testing, player network setup, and login management.