Unity Asset - AutoLOD - Impostors v4.1.1: AutoLOD - Impostors is a user-friendly tool designed to streamline impostor management, from baking to rendering, while providing automatic LOD Group setup.
Render pipeline compatibility:
What is an impostor? An impostor is a billboard displaying an image of a 3D object. It dynamically updates and changes based on the viewing angle, creating the illusion of a 3D effect while optimizing performance.
When should I use it? Impostors are primarily used to render static objects far away within a scene. They can also achieve a unique art style with a 3D "snapping" effect.
Can any object in my scene be replaced with an impostor? Technically, any object equipped with a mesh renderer can be returned with an impostor. However, they are best suited for static meshes in distant locations. At closer ranges, the disparity becomes noticeable, as a simple quad does not interact with surrounding objects in the same manner as the original mesh. Additionally, impostors are baked in orthographic view, resulting in incorrect perspectives at closer distances.
Are impostors compatible with the LODGroup component? Yes, impostors seamlessly integrate with the LODGroup component. The tool automatically sets the LODs without requiring manual geometry alignment.
How long does it take to bake an impostor? The baking process duration depends on hardware specifications and settings, typically up to 30 seconds.
Can I build on any platform? The impostor shader is based on Unity's high-level surface shader, ensuring compatibility with various platforms.
Are there any required dependencies? No, AutoLOD - Impostors is a standalone package, eliminating the need for additional dependencies.