
Blender Market – Curves To Mesh v2.8.1

2025-02-10 16:51:03 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Curves To Mesh v2.8.1Blender Market – Curves To Mesh v2.8.1Blender Market – Curves To Mesh v2.8.1

Blender Market – Curves To Mesh v2.8.1: Curves to Mesh is an extension for advanced 3D models who wish to build mesh surfaces using bezier curves.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Curves To Mesh

The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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Installation method:

  • 1. Open the software, click Edit (EDIT) → Preference → Plug-in (AADD-ONS) → Install
  • 2. Restart Blender; you can see the installed plug-in in the file → user settings → plug-in

Mesh can be made from:

Single Curves:

An edge-loop mesh is constructed from a single curve. Curves may be non-cyclic (joined into loops) as well as non-cyclic.

Cross Sections:

A mesh surface is constructed by joining curves. Curves may be either cyclic (joined into loops) or non-cyclic.

"Profiles to Mesh" mode

"Sweep to Mesh" Mode


Surfaces can be constructed by creating four curves with their ends points joined to each other

  • Uses curves with several bezier points.
  • Create a curve network in quad patches to make more complex objects.
  • It can be used as a complement to traditional modeling techniques.
  • It works on various handles for beziers ( Vector, Aligned, Free).
  • It is compatible with other extensions, such as the Generator for Plating, Bevelled Extrude and Window Generator.
