Unreal engine - Multiplayer Object Throwing System v5.0:
Introducing a versatile Dynamic Object Throwing System designed for seamless integration into games of any genre, featuring robust multiplayer support.
- Throw Prediction Visualization: Customize and visualize the trajectory of thrown objects with fully editable prediction lines.
- Throw Animation: Incorporate fluid and realistic throw animations for enhanced immersion and gameplay dynamics.
- Multiplayer Support: Enable multiplayer functionality, allowing seamless throwing interactions between multiple players.
- Simple Integration Process: Effortlessly integrate the system into existing projects with a streamlined setup process.
- Easy To Use and Modify: Access and modify system parameters easily, empowering developers to tailor the throwing mechanics to their game's specific needs.
Technical Details:
- Number of Blueprints: 12
- Input: Keyboard, Mouse
- Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms:
- Windows: Yes
- Other: Compatibility with other platforms not yet tested.
Experience the flexibility and power of the Dynamic Object Throwing System, enhancing gameplay dynamics and interactivity across various game genres.