
Grafixer v2.0 for Cinema 4D

2025-02-10 16:37:02 label 我要反馈
Grafixer v2.0 for Cinema 4D

Gfx plugin details of Grafixer v2.0 for Cinema 4D

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  • Find Ease with Timeline: By choosing two keyframes from the timeline and then pressing the button Get, you'll find the ease of the chosen curve.
  • Edit without difficulty using the Curve Editor: Because of a change to the interpolation technique used to create animation curves as of S24 The look of the editor is different according to what version you are using of C4D.
  • Apply Easy to Timeline: By selecting multiple keyframes from the timeline, and pressing"Apply, you are able to apply an easing effect to the chosen curves.
  • Save your most-loved Ease as an option: The saved presets will be included in the menu at end of the dialog. They can be loaded instantly with one click.
  • Compatibility: Cinema 4D S22 R23, S24, R25
