
Microncode CSAudioVisualization v1.1.2.0 (21 Apr 2020) + Keygen

2024-12-18 23:03:00 label 我要反馈
Microncode CSAudioVisualization v1.1.2.0 (21 Apr 2020) + Keygen

The CSAudio Visualization is described to be a component of the .NET that has the ability to display the visualization of any input as well as the audio device with the use of the C# and the VB.NET for the user and the developer. The library of the .NET has the ability the show to users and the developers the visualization of the audio device right within a chart with the help of the C# along with the length of the VB.NET as well as the center of. NET.

The Microcode CSAudioVisualization benefits

The benefits of the Microcode CSAudioVisualization are stated as below:

  • It has the ability to display the visualization of any source as well as the device.
  • It has a. Net component for the framework of .NET as well as the Core.NET.
  • Setting up the color base is permitted.
  • The setting of the color Max.
  • Setting the numbers as well as the bars to be displayed.
  • The ability to set the intervals.
  • Setting the spacing right between the bars is possible by the users and the developers.
  • It has a safe existence.
  • It has the ability to create handling that is threaded.
  • It can be run separately as a library.
  • It consists of many relevant events.
  • The latest technology has been written in the year 2020.
  • It is very easy and comfortable to use.
  • The developing languages in this case have the support of the framework of .NET as well as the core platforms of the .NET.
  • It has a secure code and the component is available for the users and the developers.
  • The user can just drop the component as well as the control on the form and start the process immediately.
  • The source code of the component is available for the developers.
  • It has been licensed under the MS-PL.
  • It can be used as a free as well as a commercial product.
