
Aescripts - TV Distortion Bundle v2.7.4

2025-02-10 16:39:32 label 我要反馈
Aescripts - TV Distortion Bundle v2.7.4

Each of the Rowbyte Zoom plugins: Statistics Glitch, Bad TV, TVPixel, Dot Pixels, and Independent RGB in One package and Save 110 (52 percent ) off the standard cost.


Data Glitch produces realistic electronic picture glitch impacts on the fly. It's possible to command the glitch routine, kind of glitch, and make amazing sound immersive picture glitch effects. Data Glitch also can help you to make controllable compression artifacts effortlessly.


BadTV produces realistic analog TV distortion with control over vertical, horizontal syncs and scanline distortion. Simulates VCR, DV Tape, and Poor Reception Television effects.


TVPixel is a plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro that pixelates your image to R,Y,B Pixels just like a True TV/LCD Display.

Dot Pixels:

A native plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro to pixelate your picture into rings and circles.

Independent RGB:

Independent RGB divides the individual R,G,B channels. Not just it's possible to divide them but you might also cancel, fade and rotate separate stations in one layer. You are able to produce many color distortion effects including Chromatic Aberration.  

New Changes:

  • Floating License Server Compatibility Update
  • MFR Support in After Effects.
  • Apple Silicon support for Premiere.
