
Blender Market – Car - Traffiq Library v2.1

2025-02-10 16:51:03 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Car - Traffiq Library v2.1

The Blender Market – Car - Traffiq Library 2.1.0 introduces emergency vehicles with new emergency lights, adding 10 new emergency vehicles, a utility vehicle, and a service vehicle.

How can users save time in architectural visualization, environmental design, and scene rendering in project design?

They can use "Blender Market – Car - Traffiq Library" to design their project.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Traffiq

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The update enhances the user interface for better control of light settings and adds decals and bumps to new assets, fixing issues on older vehicles.

"Blender Market – Car - Traffiq Library" Samples:

Traffic lights now feature animations via Shape Keys, and the topology of new assets is optimized. Additional changes include updated lights on the Chevrolet Corvette and the conversion of local car paint materials to a material library.

traffiq is a growing library of the realistic, optimized vehicle and traffic-related assets designed to save time for users in architectural visualization, environmental design, and scene rendering. Future updates will expand the library with submarines, trains, subways, spacecraft, and more, including features like traffic animation, complete streets, and customizable license plates based on user feedback.
