Blender Market - MESHmachine 1.15.4: MESHmachine stands out as a powerful Blender mesh modeling addon, specializing in hard surface work without subdivision surfaces. This versatile toolset empowers users to Fuse seamlessly and Unfuse Surfaces, craft Variable Fillets, and Washouts edit and refine Bevel geometry, Unbevel, and Unchamfer with ease, and effortlessly handle Boolean Intersections and perimeter loops.
How to edit and modify variable fillets and washouts using tools?
You can use "Blender Market - MESHmachine" to create.
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
Additionally, MESHmachine offers the ability to retain earlier mesh states as Stashes for Normal Transfers and introduces functionalities like flattening and straightening normals, symmetrizing and mirroring custom normals, and detailing surfaces flawlessly using Plugs, whether standard or custom.
MESHmachine is a must-have tool for Blender users engaged in intricate hard surface modeling, offering a robust set of features and excellent documentation to enhance the modeling workflow.
What is MESHmachine?
MESHmachine is a Blender add-on developed by the Blender Market that enhances the modeling workflow in Blender by providing advanced mesh editing tools.
MESHmachine is designed to streamline the process of creating complex 3D models by offering features like bevels, insets, bridging, and more. It's particularly useful for hard surface modeling, where precise control over geometry is crucial.