How-To Step-by-Step Instructions Video VH-35668821, offers for creating videos suitable for various purposes like corporate services, DIY projects, or recipes. It includes two versions, each accommodating different step counts.
How can users customize elements such as text and color on their project in After Effects?
They can use "How-To Step-by-Step Instructions Video" to design their project.
Users can customize elements such as text and colors independently for each step. The project requires Premiere Pro CC 2021 or newer, with no dependency on After Effects.
"How-To Step-by-Step Instructions Video" Samples:
Package information
This Premiere Pro project, last updated on February 25, 2022, and published on January 19, 2022, includes files for Premiere Pro CC. It offers a resolution of 1920x1080 and supports various media and text placeholders, ranging from 3 to 6.