The SOULMATE LUTs for Movie editing are Derived from the
Soulmate presets seem, but they aren't merely converted. We developed and Allowed them to function with horizontal video profiles and log footage. They conserve A high dynamic selection and provide you with amazing skin tones and total warm tones. You´ll Be in a position to coordinate the appearance of your movies with your photographs very quickly.
The product is in the LUTS category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to SOULMATE LUTs (by Sven Malojlo) from soulmate preset,
The LUTs Arrive in the.CUBE document format. Compatible with Premier CC, After Effects CC, Davinci Resolve, And FCPX 10.4 + greater. For FCPX 10.3 and old versions, you´ll want a Plugin such as mLUT