
Actor Pool Manager Plugin 5.3

2025-02-10 16:39:02 label 我要反馈
Actor Pool Manager Plugin 5.3

Actor Pool Manager Plugin 5.3:

The Actor Pool Manager Plugin is designed to enhance performance and stability in applications by optimizing actor spawning. Frequent spawning and destruction of the same actor classes can lead to unnecessary memory allocations and increased power consumption, especially when loading resources like materials and animations. This plugin mitigates these issues by allowing for efficient respawning of actors in both C++ and Blueprints.

The plugin provides an easy-to-implement interface that can extend both C++ and Blueprint actors, including complex actor hierarchies such as Pawns and Characters. This enables actor pooling without modifying the underlying code base. By using the PoolActorInterface, developers can extend classes like APawn with actor pooling capabilities simply by creating a new class that inherits from the default Pawn class.

Technical Details and Features:

  • Allows spawning and releasing actors without repeatedly calling constructors and BeginPlay methods.
  • Supports reusing frequently spawned actors, such as projectiles.
  • Simple implementation via an interface for all actor classes, whether in C++, Blueprints, or a combination of both.
  • Offers PoolBegin and PoolEnd events for lightweight initialization in C++ and/or Blueprints.
  • Includes a demo level and a sample using pure Blueprints for easy understanding and application.
