Avenza MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator 11.3.2 (WIN):
Create Maps Using Geospatial Information using Adobe Illustrator
MAPublisher(r) Cartography Software seamlessly incorporates over fifty GIS mapping tools with Adobe Illustrator to help you create stunning maps.
Export industry-standard GIS data formats to create sharp, clear maps that have the attributes as well as georeferencing in place by using Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator design environment.
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To search for similar products to Avenza MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator,
Wide Geospatial Formats Support
Import top GIS business formats and formats such as Esri, Google, MapInfo WFS/WMS services, as well as other GIS sources that have the attributes as well as georeferencing in place and are editable to the fullest extent.
One World, Many Map Projections
Making use of the right map projection is essential to any map design. MAPublisher is able to support hundreds of projections and coordinate systems to display information in a precise manner.
treats Spatial Data as Works of Art
Geospatial data editing isn't a requirement. MAPublisher provides a lot of flexibility editing features of maps in Adobe Illustrator. Develop new features as you go keep georeferencing intact by joining the data trimming, cropping buffering, as well as reducing.
Design smarter, not more difficult
Make time-saving changes to the map data according to its properties. Make use of MAP Themes to design thematic maps, create points, and apply graphic styles according to the rules you design.
Precise Label Placement
Labels can be created using data attributes. Utilize this tool, the Label Features tool to position labels that map features automatically and fine-tune the labeling using labels using the MAP Tagger and Contour Tagger tools. MAPublisher LabelPro(tm) integrates advanced rules with a powerful labeling engine that allows for greater efficiency and smart label positioning.
export What You Are Looking For, Where You Would Like
Create amazing maps that are print-ready. Are you looking to digitalize your maps? Export geospatial PDFs that include attributes and coordinate systems. Are you looking for a web-based map? Export your maps with MAP Web Author to create HTML5-compliant web maps with no coding expertise.
what is MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator
MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator is a powerful Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping software plugin designed for use with Adobe Illustrator. It is developed by Avenza Systems Inc. and provides a range of tools and features that allow cartographers, designers, and GIS professionals to create and work with maps directly within Adobe Illustrator.
Here are some key features and functionalities of MAPublisher:
Geospatial Data Import: MAPublisher allows users to import various geospatial data formats, including shapefiles, GeoTIFFs, and many others, into Adobe Illustrator.
Georeferencing: It enables users to georeference non-geospatial artwork, ensuring accurate alignment with geographic coordinates.
Attribute Data Handling: Users can associate attribute data with map features and customize the appearance of features based on this data.
What is Avenza MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator?
Avenza MAPublisher for Adobe Illustrator is a powerful geospatial mapping and cartography software tool that is designed as a plugin for Adobe Illustrator. It allows users to create, edit, and manage maps and geographic data directly within the Adobe Illustrator environment, which is a popular graphic design and vector drawing software. MAPublisher provides a seamless integration between graphic design and geographic information systems (GIS) data, making it a valuable tool for cartographers, map designers, and anyone who works with spatial data.