compCode Is an instrument for Results users to flip comps and layers to account and also for template contractors to quickly package any endeavor into sharable After consequences scripts.
compCode: CompCode transforms your layout to A lively and shareable After consequences script. Simply pick your essay (or layers), hit on the compCode button and it is going to magically convert it into an executable After consequences script that's backward compatible with CS6. No programming skills are needed!
The resulting script may Optionally be personalized with consumer tokens. It's possible to specify exactly what the end-user may alter, for example, coating and makeup names, fresh footage resources, or text to text layers.
compPack: Included is the compPack feature That permits you to package together multiple programs to a lovely, searchable UI panel. Have folders of programs in the different folders, so compPack is intelligent enough to reconstruct the UI to meet your current folder structure.
Additionally, add art and Info switches to enhance your UI, and make it prepared to discuss with other people in an expert looking instrument.
For the After Effects user: This can be as near Photoshop Actions as you'll ever get in After Effects. Switch your comps or layers to executable code which could be utilized as is or modified as required.
For Your After Effects template writer: CompCode is ideal for Delivering After consequences template jobs that are a lot simpler to work with and are variant agnostic back into CS6. It may likewise be utilized to provide business branding packages in a simple to work with (and deploy), exquisite, searchable UI panels.
Consider the attributes for your following AE template.