Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2025.1 (Win): Autodesk Inventor Nastran is an integrated CAD, general-purpose FEA tool that the Nastran solver from Autodesk powers. Nastran In-CAD is a new tool that offers many different simulations that span multiple types of analysis, offering a second premium simulation with CAD-embedded workflow integrated with Autodesk Inventor and SOLIDWORKS to aid engineers and analysts in creating unique products.
How can we assess the structural integrity of components under various loading conditions?
You can use "Autodesk Inventor Nastran."
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
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To search for similar products to Autodesk Inventor Nastran,
Nastran In-CAD software can handle multiple elements in the same analysis, combining surface models and beams or solids in this study. This lets you understand better and be more confident when drafting the design proposal.
What is Autodesk Inventor Nastran?
Autodesk Inventor Nastran is an integrated Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tool that incorporates a general-purpose Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver powered by the Nastran solver from Autodesk. It offers a comprehensive set of simulations for various types of analysis, providing engineers and analysts with a CAD-embedded workflow integrated with Autodesk Inventor and SOLIDWORKS.