
Blender Market – Fractal Machine v1.2

2025-02-10 16:46:02 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – Fractal Machine v1.2

Blender Market – Fractal Machine v1.2: Fractal Machine allows for what was not possible - the creation of complex and intricate Fractals in Blender!
Fractals are used extensively throughout Marvel Studios' Guardians of the Galaxy, the Disney's Big Hero 6, and many more films. In the past, they required either a renderer that can raymarch, such as Octane, or a powerful procedural engine like Houdini. Fractal Machine brings full-featured fractals to Blender artists.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – Fractal Machine v1.2

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Fractal Machine 1.3 is a huge update that will bring you the long-awaited capabilities to morph. You can alter the fractal's shape to make it appear like the other 3D model that you have! This is an excellent tool for designs, characters, landscapes, and other ornamental objects; the list is endless.

Fractals can transform an introductory scene into a complicated, mysterious, unique, and un-seen-before-seen scene. Fractal Machine includes five adjustable base fractals, and 20 presets that can create an endless array of shapes. The software also comes with tutorial videos to guide you through the fractal world quickly and easily.

Purchase Fractal Machine now, and give a unique spin to your work and help its mark in the rest!

Pack Contents:

  • Apollonian fractal
  • Kleinian fractal,
  • Mandelbox fractal
  • Mandelbulb fractal
  • Quaternion 4D Julia fractal
  • 20 presets for rapid exploration
  • Videos for tutorials to make the most value from the software
  • There are two Demo scenarios taken from the introduction and one to show the skull changing


  • Required: Blender 3.3+
  • Fractals can be generated across all platforms, but the more memory, CPU cores, and VRAM you have, the smoother the user experience.
  • Recommended RAM: 16GB+, VRAM: 8GB+
  • Basic knowledge of Blender and the best ways to alter nodes
