
Blender Market – DECALmachine v2.13

2025-02-10 16:57:11 label 我要反馈
Blender Market – DECALmachine v2.13

Blender Market – DECALmachine v2.13: DECALmachine can be described as a Blender extension that, by using mesh Decals, allows surface texture in a non-destructive, non-committal, and UV-free method. It is an alternative method to hard texturing surfaces.

Furthermore, DECALmachine also has extensive Trim Sheet support and can also support Atlasing and Baking to make it easier to export to game engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.

Decals are able to be projected, cut, and made from edges or greased pencils. They can be made to match materials, or you can make your own.

Trims are easy to place and cut, manipulate, or remove directly from the three-dimensional view.

Gfx plugin details of Blender Market – DECALmachine 

The product is in the category from Blender Market, for more information about this post, you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Blender Market – DECALmachine,

  • Simply select Decals from a parent object or from the
  • Automatic material matching, parenthood normal transfer
  • Two techniques for manual texture matching
  • Automatically organize collections of Decals
  • advanced Decal materials utilizing emission, transparency, and transmission
  • unlimited decal libraries + flexible asset loader layout
  • library visibility management, as well as preset access via the 3D view
  • Create each of the four Decal types right in the blender, and also the batch production of Info Decals using folders of images
  • Use the handy modal adjust tool to easily alter the height, object size, the rotation of UV, panel width, or type more. You can quickly adjust the height, object or UV rotation, panel width, and type
  • Set default settings across the entire scene and quickly change them by using the DECALmachine panel on the sidebar
  • Store Decal textures on disks or directly in the blend file
  • Place decals on smooth surfaces and place them on curving surfaces
  • Slice strips of Decal panel "boolean-style."
  1. or make them using the strokes of a grease pencil or edge selections
  • Use the Panel Decals to cut the mesh mesh
  • benefit from parallax by adding real depth to normal mapped Decals even in real-time using Blender's Eevee viewport
  • Keep sharp details even at large dimensions, regardless of resolution. This is achieved through the use of UV-free object-based detailing
  • Benefit from Decals as objects, with modifiers such as mirror and array
  • Join and separate Decals completely non-destructively to remain well-organized
  • conceal the materials of decals (incl. the Blender Batch Ops as well as the Hard Ops), textures, and node groups in order to keep Blender neat
  • 3 Export strategies:
  1. Develop and utilize Decal Atlases to efficiently export to deferred rendering engines, such as Unity HDRP, Unreal Engine, and others.
  2. Utilize Trim Sheet detail to export anywhere, including forwarding rendering engines such as Unity URP
  3. Bake Decals to the UV space of their parent object (not advised due to Blender issues that remain unresolved).
  • Create Trim Sheets using existing texture sheets or created from Decal Atlases
  • Place trims or take them out directly from the 3D view when editing mode is in
  • Cut trimmings into the mesh using the object mode by using trim decals
  • alter, rotate, change, rotate, and adjust the scale at any time
  • Additional UV tools include the Quad Unwrap, Box Unwrap, Mirror Trim, and Stitch
  • 109 Decals and 64 Trim Decals, 1 Trim Sheet, and 2 Atlases are included
  • 7 sample blend files for review
  • Best documentation in the industry
