
AB2D ReaderSvg v8.0.8019 + ViewerSvg v4.1.8019 + CRACK

access_time 2024-12-18 23:02:15 label 建议反馈
AB2D ReaderSvg v8.0.8019 + ViewerSvg v4.1.8019 + CRACK

Ab2d.ReaderSvg is your greatest SVG file importer for WPF. The library may import DPI separate vector drawings from SVG files into WPF contours or geometry items.

Ab2d.ReaderSvg is a type library that You may use to browse SVG and svgz (compressed SVG) documents and import its own components into any WPF program.

The Ab2d.ReaderSvg can correctly read contours defined in SVG document, their strokes, fills, and other possessions. It is possible to read all sorts of gradients, patterns, and marks (line beginning and ending contours ). This offers the designers free hands-on to specify their drawings in just about any vector drawing program, save them into SVG file, and the program developers can utilize the drawings within their WPF software.

You may transform the components in the SVG file into contours or geometry items. The contours (Canvas, Ellipse, Course, etc.) are great as You can alter them, and You could delegate mouse events to them. Geometry objects (GeometryDrawing, PathGeometry, etc.) are lightweight contours that have far greater performance and reduced memory utilization but are more difficult to manipulate. Therefore image items are excellent for complicated drawings. And what's more, the read geometry could be further optimized for much greater performance.

As an instance, the following line of XAML is all that's necessary to demonstrate birthday_cake. SVG:

Be aware that Ab2d.ReaderSvg can't be utilized in Silverlight software - but may be utilized in the XBAP Internet Browser program.

Nonetheless, it's likely to convert SVG documents into XAML for Silverlight and Windows Store (Windows RT) software with the ViewerSvg converter.

Ab2d.ReaderSvg - SVG and SVG importer Use vector images from SVG documents from WPF and Silverlight programs.

AB2D ReaderSvg Great Features:

  • Read SVG and svgz (compresses SVG) documents.
  • Preserve objects hierarchy.
  • Get the title of these items from the identification feature or name component.
  • Read embedded bitmap pictures.
  • Read contours with their possessions.
  • Read linear and radial gradients.
  • Read patterns and then convert them into VisualBrush.
  • Read mark components - line beginning and ending shapes (arrows, etc.)
  • Read use and emblem components (also used for embedded fonts).
  • Read clipPath components.
  • Read components in SVG document as Geometries (better performance).
  • Optimize read Geometry for much better functionality.
  • Optionally convert text to Course.
  • Automatically resize the browse components.
  • Get a progress report when studying the SVG file.
  • GetXaml method to receive formatted and legitimate XAML of those read items.
  • Read customized properties and layers of information from SVG documents created from Microsoft Visio.
  • Contained SvgViewbox and SvgDrawing controls, which You could utilize in XAML.
  • Optimize hierarchies of reading items by optimizing the bands or fully emptying the hierarchy.
  • Authentic change transforms the shape information by altering the real values rather than utilizing RenderTransform or even LayoutTransform.