NDepend is basically described as a static analysis tool for the managed code. NET. This particular tool is capable of supporting a huge number of code metric that permits one in order to visualize the dependence with the use of the direct graph as well as the dependency Matrix. NDepend tool is also capable of performing code based snapshot comparison for the user and the developer with the process of validation of the architectural as well as the rule along with their quality. There are rules that are user-defined, which can be returned with the use of the queries of LINQ. This feature is named CQLinq, and the tool is capable of coming up with a huge number of predefined code rules of CQLinq for the user and the developer. These particular code rules are able to be checked automatically in the visual studio or even during the process of continuous integration. NDepend is also described as a sole Visual Studio extension that can tell the programmers and the users that the code is being composed and has been introduced as debt. Recognizing this the user and the developer are capable of correcting the code before having to come it into a source of management.
With the help of the cost principle, the questions can be customized as well as created in a matter of minutes. The inquiries include the formula of C# in order to calculate the accurate technical depth estimation for the user and the developer. The default rule to set is capable of providing more than a hundred could principals with a huge selection of code aromas that include the entangled code as well as the usage of the low OOP. Considering it to be a static analyzer, it can find many problems impacting the real-world codebase. For this reason, NDepend is considered an instrument that can deliver a score in the visual studio for the user and the developer. The tool is capable of estimating technical debt advancement just because of the baseline that it has. The recent code aromas that require adjustment before committing any code to supply the control are being emphasized in individual studios. They are also able to subsequently be fixed before having to reach the original server. It should be added that the code quality can stay under control without a significant upfront investment.
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download NDepend v2023.1.0.9670 (07 Mar 2023) Professional Edition + Crack
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