Aescripts - SlabText v1.0.0:
SlabText is a plugin for Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects which even further complicates the way Emphasis lays out text in paragraphs.
It allows for arbitrary line widths which fit one or more lines into the necessary range. The tool offers several adjustable options tailored to the transformation, such as the degree of scaling versus tracking, plus and minus of leading, and automated coloring. SlabText retains the original formatting of the text while also enabling the removal of such transformations when required, which is helpful for designers who need to achieve acceptable levels of text alignment and layout changes.
- Compatibility: The program is suitable for use together with Adobe Photoshop (Ps), Adobe Illustrator (Ai), and Adobe After Effects (Ae).
- Customizable Threshold Between Scale and Tracking: This option lets you, for instance, change the scaling of individual characters or the tracking (the gap between the characters in a centered .).
- Numerous Modes: Provides multiple options to set the position of the text and how it is formatted.
- Line-Height Adjuster: Defines the closest distance between two lines of text as a percentage of the maximum line height and includes or excludes descending characters.
- Gradientization or ReColor: Gradients of two colors are applied automatically using a color scale. The primary color is used for lines with a lower maximum scale, while the secondary color is applied to lines with a higher maximum scale.
- Maintaining Original Formatting: This aspect enables the user to keep the original layout in every text transformation.
- Undoing Transformations: The Clearslabtexttool has reset parameters for preset values, which makes editing and formatting the text more effective for artists.
- Control Scaling: Enables to adjust how much the characters or the tracking, relative to the initial line's width, are adjusted.
- Single-Word Line Button: This switch ensures a more pleasing visual appearance by ensuring lines containing only a single word are scaled by default.