"Screeches and Creaks" is a collection of specially designed sound effects developed through SFXtools' SD team using authentic recordings of various materials that creak, squeak or screeches.
This small collection contains 40 specially designed effects including creaking trees, crackling doors for halls, extremely old metal door squeaks that sound rusty and stone cracks, wood floor cracking high-piercing squeaks creepy metal squeaks, rumbles, and rattles. Every sound contained in the folder was recorded at 24bit/192kHz is produced and produced in industry-standard 24bit/96kHz, to guarantee the best quality for today's needs in cinematic production.
The product is in the SOUND EFFECTS category, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
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"Screeches and Creaks" is ideal for games audio, post-production films documentaries, advertising, or any cinematic project that requires high-definition sound effects.
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