
OCD (One Click Damage) v2.3.0 for Blender

2025-02-10 16:38:17 label 我要反馈
OCD (One Click Damage) v2.3.0 for Blender

The OCD (One Click Damage) add-on for Blender offers a seamless solution for repairing and adding imperfections to models, enhancing realism and storytelling.

How can users transform basic geometry into visually appealing structures?

They can design from "OCD (One Click Damage)" in Blender Market.

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

By simply selecting the desired model, adjusting preferences, and applying damage with a single click, users can transform basic geometry into visually appealing structures reminiscent of labor-intensive craftsmanship. Embracing imperfections is crucial for authenticity, as even newly created models benefit from the depth provided by simulated wear and tear over time.

Designed primarily for man-made structures like concrete, stone, or brick buildings, OCD features a user-friendly interface, real-time visual feedback, multi-selection capability, and auto-generated material creation. Additionally, it offers procedural sound variations, a RECALL function for post-application adjustments, and enhanced control options for efficient workflow management. With OCD, users can effortlessly infuse their models with character and narrative depth, streamlining the creative process and enhancing overall realism.

"OCD (One Click Damage)" Samples: