
Aescripts Extrudalizer v1.2.1 (Win, Mac)

2025-02-10 17:07:58 label 我要反馈
Aescripts Extrudalizer v1.2.1 (Win, Mac)

Aescripts Extrudalizer v1.2.1 (Win, Mac): Extrudalizer lets you make every 2D shape layer in a virtual 3D space and control the depth, position, rotation, and scale. You can customize its appearance as well as animation. You can also alter the initial 2D path by using the Extrudalized shape by repeating this action. It is 100% Lottie suitable for web platforms (bake expressions into keyframes, to use on mobile apps) and is exportable via the body moving—Bodymovin plugin.

The Extrudalizer's revolutionary method allows users to keep using their favorite 2D shape layers they have come to know and enjoy while allowing the benefits of improved 3D manipulation. After Effects has far more tools and effects from the first party that can manipulate 2D layers than the tools available to 3D layers. Extrudalizer can bypass these limitations, processing the necessary 3D transformations and drawing them in 2D paths using Adobe Javascript Expression Engine.

Start with Extrudalizer

  • Create a 2D shape layer using After Effects
  • Start the Extrudalizer script.
  • Configure Pre-Extrudalize Options for Pre-Extrudalization
  • Change and animate appearance and 3D transformations
  • Map artwork onto Extrudalized shape's Front and Back faces
  • Export to Lottie

Key characteristics

  • 3D Shape Layers in 2D
  • Artwork wrapped around the shape's surface
  • 2D path animation transforms into 3D animation
  • Optimized property removal of properties not being used.
  • 100 100% Lottie compatible exports for the web without baking
  • Baking for Lottie on iOS and Android

3D Transform Section of the Controller

  • Extrusion depth: regulates what depth is incorporated into the Extrudalized shape.
  • Position: regulates what distance is the Extrudalized shape's starting point to the point of anchorage.
  • Controls the size of the Back and front of the Extrudalized shape. It ranges from 1 to 200% of the size.
  • Pitch controls the rotation of the Extrudalized shape around its center on the X, Y, and Z axis.
  • Orbit Control is a device that controls the direction of rotation of the Extrudalized shape around the anchor point along the X, Y, and Z axes.


  • Hide anchor point The anchor point is toggled.
  • Wireframe mode is a toggle for wireframe mode—This Extrudalized shape.
  • Edge stroke Controls the width and color of the stroke, which defines each edge of the Extrudalized shape.
  • Translucency: Controls the level of semi-transparency in the Extrudalized shape.
  • Front and Back Control the color and opacity of the gradient and the gradient's direction and opacity—The beginning and ending locations of the Extrudalized shape's face and back.

Sides: control the color of the sides, opacity, gradient opacity, direction gradient length, and fill shadow color—The opacity of the Extrudalized form's edges.
