
Blender Market - Keymesh Too v2.3.0

2025-02-10 16:38:32 label 我要反馈
Blender Market - Keymesh Too v2.3.0

Blender Market - Keymesh Too v2.3.0:

Keymesh Too is an update and supplement of the Keymesh add-on for Blender developed by Pablo Dobarro to improve and modernize workflows for stop motion animation in Blender. It allows users to animate mesh objects, UV maps, attributes, and, in fact, things one could imagine in cubes, all frame by frame in a traditional way of animation. The add-on supports almost all objects in Blender and offers powerful new features such as frame picker UI, curves, sculpt and model animation tools, and much more. Also, Keymesh Too is extensively used for object versioning because it gives modelers and sculptors much more freedom and control.


Frame Picker UI

  • It shows all the versions of the objects that were made with Keymesh.
  • Allows for easy addition and arrangement of keyframes.
  • Keeps track of different versions of the object used in animation.

Object Versioning

  • Allows the user to save multiple versions of object data (i.e., mesh, curves, etc.)
  • It also enables muting scrubbing to be active in the timeline.

Extended Object Support

  • Primitives support almost every object type, such as curves, lattices, and metaballs (but not for empties, armatures, and grease pencils).
  • They also allow for text, hair curves, and fur stop-motion animation.

Shape Keys to Keymesh

  • Shape keys that are animated can be turned into Keymesh animations.
  • Each frame of animated shape keys can be sculpted when needed.

Convert To Separate Objects

  • Stop motion workflows like 3D printing can use Keymesh animations that are turned into standalone models.

Enhanced Short Cut

  • Page Up/Page Down - move between Keymesh keyframes.
  • New keyframes can be added forward or backward with Ctrl+Page Up/Ctrl+Page Down.

Reworked User Interface

  • There is a new UI with more tooltips and a new operator to "Remove Keymesh Block" for improved block manipulation.

Custom Preferences

  • Backup option for original object data before Keymesh application.
  • Keymesh keyframes during Edit Mode can be turned on and off to improve performance.

Other Shape Key Support Features

  • Tweaks like being able to animate multiple versions of the same object more easily.

"Keymesh Too" Samples: