
Aescripts Chain & Sprockets v1.03 Full + Tutorials

2025-02-10 17:02:57 label 我要反馈
Aescripts Chain & Sprockets v1.03 Full + Tutorials

Chain & Sprockets Assembles a two equipment and a linking chain rig having an effect permits you to rekindle and further personalize the rig.

  • Gear Ratios and Minimum Gear Sizes: The Gear Ratio is the connection of this Main Gear into the Second Gear and you will find just 7 Gear Ratios to Pick from. For instance, 1:4 implies the Second Gear is going to probably be 4 times bigger than That the Main Gear, and 4:1 imply the Main Gear will probably be 4 times bigger than the Secondly Gear. The minimal diameter of any equipment will be 50, and the script will not let Any diameters which will produce a gear that's smaller compared to that.
  • String Ratios: The Chain Ratio is the connection of the Most Significant equipment to the Duration of the series and also there 7 Chain Ratios to pick from. Note: for a few Gear ratios the most significant gear is your Second Gear. This ratio determines the Distance between the 2 gears. Additionally because of its gear ratio of 1:1 that the Chain Ratio Of 1:1.5 is not accessible since the gears will float.
  • The Rig: After you construct the rig you will find 5 new coatings on your own comp. 2 Nulls and 3 Shape Layers.
  • The Controller: You will get the result that Controls the rig situated in the Main Controller Null. It comprises all of the Controls to customize and manage the rig. Additionally, all of the layers will be parented to The Main Controller coating so only proceed, rotate, or scale this null to correct the Whole rig. Considering these are contour layers, they also scale with No reduction in resolution.