Unity asset - Fingers – Touch Gestures for Unity v3.0.14: Enhance your mobile device or touch screen handling with Fingers Gestures, a powerful asset inspired by iOS UIKit gestures. Designed to streamline bug reporting and player feedback in Unity games, this asset simplifies gathering detailed feedback and bug reports directly from players, allowing developers to address issues promptly.
Fingers Gestures is compatible with the new Unity input system and offers unparalleled versatility and ease of use. Whether you're implementing tap, double tap, long tap, swipe, pinch/zoom, or rotate gestures, this asset provides a comprehensive suite of gesture recognition features. With intuitive controls and customizable options, Fingers Gestures empowers developers to create immersive and interactive experiences for players.
Fingers Gestures is the go-to solution for touch input and gesture handling in Unity, featuring a robust framework and comprehensive documentation. From simple word games to complex 3D environments, this asset offers a wide range of example projects and demo scenes to help developers get started quickly. With support for Unity UI integration, on-screen controls like d-pad and joystick, and custom form element APIs, Fingers Gestures offers unparalleled flexibility and customization options.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Fingers Gestures provides the tools and resources needed to streamline your workflow and create engaging experiences for players. With its rock-solid performance and wide range of features, Fingers Gestures is the ultimate solution for touch and gesture handling in Unity.