Unity asset - Stylized Water v1.6.0: Presenting the successor to the widely embraced Stylized Water Shader asset, now reimagined for the Universal Render Pipeline. This package offers a highly customizable water solution, prioritizing artistic freedom over strict realism. Built on over eight years of water rendering experience, it caters to primary and intermediate game water needs.
With a custom lighting model, this asset provides direct control over colour and light/environment reflections while maintaining accurate dynamic lighting behaviour and support for Unity's native lighting features. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, the asset's user-friendly interface and extensive documentation make it easy to use and understand.
Experience unparalleled flexibility and ease of use with this highly customizable water solution, designed to meet your artistic vision in Unity projects.
Shading Features:
- Unlit, Simple, and Advanced shading modes catering to low- and high-end graphics.
- Deep, shallow, and horizon colour controls.
- The intersection foam effect with opaque geometry is based on scene depth or vertex colours.
- Adjustable surface foam and GPU-driven, layered wave animations.
- Animated caustics in shallow water and translucency rendering from all light types.
- Control over Directional and Point/Spotlight reflections and environment reflections.
- Additional features include flat shading mode, sparkles based on the normal map, refraction, UV- or world-projected tiling, vertex colour support, transparency mask, river mode, and distance normals.
Technical Features:
- Clean, accordion-style material UI with tooltips and notifications.
- Tessellation support with dynamic triangle subdivision.
- C# API for reading wave height/standard and custom time/world offset.
- Components like Planar Reflections Renderer and Water Grid for robust and scalable usage.
- Utility functions for creating subdivided plane/circle mesh assets.
- Universal Render Pipeline (URP) 10.3.2+.
- Compatibility with various platforms and graphics APIs, including DirectX, Metal, Vulkan, and OpenGL.
- Seamless integration with popular fog solutions and compatibility with Curved World 2020 and Dynamic Water Physics 2.
- Support for spot/point lights, baked/dynamic GI, network-synced waves/animations, floating origin systems, orthographic cameras, and VR rendering.