Archipelago Quest – Quest Tools 06 Modern Borders: Borders to your photos is a fantastic method to create a frame for your image and give it a unique finish. The set has seven distinct borders, each with an uncluttered and modern look.
Each border can be used in both horizontal and vertical orientations. The borders can be altered within the panel mask of Lightroom.
These borders are best suited for images with an aspect ratio of 2x3/4x6. Be aware that extreme angles or distortion correction may cause the masks to be unaligned.
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What is Quest Tools 06 Modern Borders
to be a set of tools or presets designed for use in Adobe Lightroom. These tools allow you to add modern and uncluttered borders to your photos, providing a unique finishing touch to your images.
Overall, "Quest Tools 06 Modern Borders" seems like a convenient tool for photographers who want to add a contemporary and polished touch to their images using Adobe Lightroom.