is a robust Software Developer Kit (SDK) designed to provide seamless access to Serial Port features on Windows desktop platforms. While an integral part of the Wireless Communication Library, it's also available as a standalone tool. Compatible with Delphi, CBuilder, Lazarus, Microsoft .NET, C++, Python, and Unity, it offers a wide array of features to facilitate software development.
BTFramework Serial Framework .NET boasts a range of basic features, including Hardware change detection and Monitoring, Synchronous, Asynchronous, and APC synchronized events, as well as System power state monitoring. On the Serial side, it supports enumerating serial devices such as COM ports and modems, enumerating USB devices, and enabling and disabling USB devices. It provides a seamless exchange of data with serial devices and supports Serial Port events, Modem events, Serial port signal controls, Com0Com support, Bluetooth vCOM support, USB vCOM support, and Serial Ports support.
Moreover, BTFramework Serial Framework .NET includes OBEX features, such as Basic OBEX client, OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) Client, OBEX File Transfer Profile (FTP) Client, Basic OBEX server, and OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) Server. With its comprehensive functionality, Serial Framework simplifies the development process, making it efficient and straightforward for developers working on Windows desktop platforms.
download BTFramework Serial Framework .NET v7.7.15.0 (28 Apr 2023) + CRACK
download BTFramework Serial Framework .NET v7.7.11.0 (08 Nov 2022) + CRACK