Aescripts Super Resize Me! v1.1 (Win, Mac): Resize a Composition's dimensions and scale all child layers and pre-comps relative to it. This allows you to quickly scale projects for different output resolutions while maintaining the same aspect ratio.
How to resize the dimensions of a designed composition in Plugins?
You can use "Aescripts Super Resize Me".
Where can I download the product?
After subscription, You can download it for free from here.
Installation guide:
- The easiest way to install is by using the aescripts + aeplugins manager app
- Windows: Move Super Resize Me!to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2023\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
- Mac: Move Super Resize Me! To Applications/Adobe After Effects/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels/
- The "Recursive" setting scales the starting comp and all related child pre-comps. To scale one comp at a time, uncheck the "Recursive" checkbox.
- Upscale or downscale a complex project
- Convert HD project to 4K—or vice-versa
- Resize individual comps while working
- Bulk versioning
- Easily scale all:
- 2D Layers
- 3D Layers
- Camera Layers
- Default 3D Camera
- Parented Layers
- Locked Layers