
Aescripts – Credits Are Due 1.0 for After Effects

2025-02-10 17:05:13 label 我要反馈
Aescripts – Credits Are Due 1.0 for After Effects

Aescripts – Credits Are Due 1.0 for After Effects:

Create responsive, easy-to-edit credit scrolls that are easy to edit.

Credits Are Due places credit due in the "end" in "end credits. "

Create fast flexible credit scrolls with After Effects. Changes are easy to make. Take a nap.

How does it work

Setting up: Simply create a scroll control and then include or classify your elements. Credits Are Due will take care of the remainder.

Changes to HTML0: Reorder whole sections modify the style of the font and add additional users or split them into multiple columns, and then everything is automatically arranged.

Add some logos: Images and videos scroll-like text as well as in full pixels, of course.

The exact timing is hit: Change scroll speed and section spacing, as well as the scale and location at a global scale and squeeze things to make it fit.

Accelerate: Run the layer trimmer to cut layers so that they're not visible on the timeline once they're visible on screen.

Note that this tool makes use of the latest modifications to expressions in Adobe Illustrator, which means it will require CC2015.

  • Create six kinds of scroll elements
  • Dynamic layout: Reorder elements, style or reclassify elements, but leave the custom formatting of text
  • Arbitrary multicolumn layouts: split items into columns you'll need
  • Include footage and images along with text
  • Scroll with whole-pixel increments
  • Change the global scroll speed as well as the position and spacing of elements
  • Enhance the speed of rendering and previews by automatically trimming the duration of layers to match the on-screen display
  • Ctrl/Cmd-Click to select layers based on the type
  • Shift-Click to bypass existing text selections and generate new elements
