
Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator

2025-02-10 16:42:02 label 我要反馈
Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator

Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator: Create intricate rain scenes using the highest quality. Addon that is based on Geometry Nodes

How to use Density control, rain height Speed, and speed of splashes in the blender market?

you can use Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator.

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

Only the surfaces that are subject to Rain are affected. Two methods for distributing Rain are available for more miniature scenes (rain distribution is calculated based on the size of the project, which is more precise) and another for more immense sceneries (rain distribution is calculated for each object, which is faster).

Gfx plugin details of Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator

The product is in the category of Blender Market, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator, 

  • Add Rain with one click!
  • Shader Rain over any surface
  • Density control, rain height Speed, speed of splashes,
  • Collision (the surface orients splashes. ),
  • Loop Animation,
  • Easy to use
  • Select your desired targets, and then add Rain!
  • Choose your mesh, and then add Rain Shader!

What is Blender Plugin – Baga Rain Generator?

Blender is a powerful open-source 3D creation suite that is widely used for various purposes, including animation, modeling, rendering, and visual effects. Plugins can extend Blender's capabilities by adding new features, tools, and functionalities.
