Aescript TweiNa v1.2 (Win, Mac): Transfer your Photoshop and Illustrator layers into After Effects without the cumbersome import process
TweiNa uses After Effects' native import mechanism, which means that every import will trigger After Effects to check whether the layers are being updated each time; After Effects will freeze while the update occurs. To speed up the process, it is suggested to follow these principles:
- Make sure your layers are as minimal as you can.
- Make groups smarter by converting them into objects
- Remove any inactive PS assets from the AE program.
- For identical layers, you can push one and reuse it in After Effects.
- Intelligent objects are transformed into link layers, meaning they cannot link if linked files are lost.
- Other deformation methods than scale, location, and rotation can cause layers to appear different in PS compared to the AE ( perspectives, liquidity warp, etc.)
- Multiple artboards are viewed as a single comp
- Layer masks cannot be edited in After Effects
- Intelligent filters can't be imported
- The clip mask of the group's root level and style of layer can't be importable.
New Changes:
- Fix program error after Photoshop v24.3
- Import any number of layer layers of Photoshop onto After Effects
- Monitor bright object's change, including scale, position, and rotation
- Auto-crop imported files to match content
- Photoshop Vector layer converts into After Effects shape layer
- Text layer in Photoshop to After Effects editable text