This is version 2.1 of the Pro Lens add-on. I've seriously made the whole thing new and I'd say that it's different from the previous version and far better. The whole thing is more user-friendly and it works well with more recent versions of the blender. I've added panels and buttons to the Camera Properties where you can alter the effect, change the strength, and also include natural Vignetting. I've also ensured that you can alter the focal length and alter ratio while keeping all the lens elements aligned. This was something that made the previous version somewhat awkward to use. I've added a feature that lets you auto-correct the brightness of your photo so that it will not get dark after using the add-on. I've eliminated the various colors and dirt elements to make the entire thing simpler to use however, there are some features I'll include in the near future.
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Something to keep in mind The best practice is to keep your F-stop set at 2.8 because that's what the bokeh was designed to be. It's possible to get weird images if you decide to alter it. You can enter edit mode on the bokeh components and manually increase or down, but it's much simpler maintaining the stops at 2.8.