
Aescripts – Sunny Day v1.0 for After Effects

2025-02-10 17:00:42 label 我要反馈
Aescripts – Sunny Day v1.0 for After Effects

Aescripts – Sunny Day v1.0 for After Effects: includes a customizable modeled sun flare and light flows to Footage, for if you are overlooking sunlight. Vehicle image reactive, Custom or intentionally revived light beams with virtually reactive lens grime, And designer lighting escapes of almost any color you believe sets the disposition. Add a bit of Sunshine!

How can we enhance lighting and visual effects in After Effects?

The "Aescripts – Sunny Day v1.0 for After Effects" serves the specific purpose of enhancing the lighting and visual effects in video projects, particularly to create a sunny or well-lit atmosphere. 

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

  • Sun and light flow that Can automobile animate intentionally or react to your camera motion
  • 20 reactive sun designs or Design your
  • 25+ automobile animated light Leak kinds, customizable, or construct your own in the supplied hi-res blobs
  • Color presets to match your Footage fast, additionally tweakable
  • Two separate render modes To dab dramatic flares or put in gently coruscating beams to your framework
  • Optional lens grime responds To another light pinging across the framework
  • Indulge your favorite Sundrenched Florida gangsta video dreams and play madly colored emo Light escapes. It is Friday, almost.

settings – detailed guide


  • Intense mode – a render mode good for busy frames with lots going on
  • Detail mode – more subtle, better for empty skies
  • Light only – just show what is being added to the frame
  • Frame only – just show the original frame NB if a track matte is applied, this is removed.

Sun preset

Choose a preset from the list. You can then modify this in the advanced sun menu at the bottom.

If you change your mind at any point hit UNDO repeatedly to go back to prior settings.

Leak preset

Choose a preset from the list. You can then modify this in the advanced Leak menu

Color preset

Choose a preset from the list. You can then modify this in the color controls (there are also color tint controls in the advanced leak menu) Usually best to try to choose a color scheme thblends/looksoks realistic for the original image

Get sun location from

  • Track mask – if you want to attach the sun position to a tracked bit of scenery (like a tree or mountain or cloud in the distance) you can track a small section of the object, then select this to be the layer track mask. Then select this option.
  • Position control – set the sun’s positions from the control beneath:

Sun position control

If you have a stationary frame or wish to control the position of the sun, use this cross hair to set position, after selecting the option from the setting above. NB The sun will still fade in at out at the frame edges, adjustable in the advanced sun menu.

Fine-tune intensity

Set the overall brightness of the effect. This will affect all added light. If you don’t want to use the Master twinkle amount (below) or want to add extra twinkling/variation to the light, you can animate this value.

Sun master size

Set the overall size of the sun.

Twinkle reacts to :

  • Cam settings – the rays of the sun and overall brightness will be detected from the image, movement, and objects around the current sun’s position, and the plugin will attempt to automatically “read” the frame. This works well with camera moves if it is uneven, or large objects in the frame. + Speed – different speeds are selectable + Steady - the steady options make the flickering/twinkle more steadily and less jittery.
  • Rand settings – the rays of the sun and overall brightness will be set from a random algorithm, designed to emulate light through trees/clouds. + Speed – different speeds are selectable + Steady - the steady options make the flickering/twinkle more steady and less jittery.

Master twinkle amount

Sets the overall amount of flickering of the light, or “twinkling” of the sun. This will in turn affect the light getting through to the light leaks, which have additional variations on them.

  • Twinkle always makes the light dimmer, never brighter. This is so that you can set the twinkle to 0 and see the maximum brightness in the frame.
  • A higher twinkle value means more dipping of the light, so in general, the light will be less bright.
  • Negative values invert the random values of the twinkle algorithm. The light will always be dimmer though the more twinkle you put on.

Hi / Med / Lo color

Set the overall color palette. NB there is another tin function available for the leaks in the advanced leaks section.
It is not usually necessary to have a Mid value. As usual, starting with a pre-set in the ballpark you want is usually a good idea. Usually, it is also good to start with something that looks realistic / matches the existing image unless you are going on an avant-garde hallucinogenic odyssey.

Leaks intensity

Set the brightness of the light leaks. This will only affect the leaks and is always relative to the sun's brightness. The leaks automatically vary slightly in addition to the main sun twinkle, however, If you want extra flicker in the light leak, you can animate this value if you like to bring in extra flicker. You can set the extra leaks flicker in the advanced leaks section at the bottom also – see below.

Lens smudges intensity

Set the brightness of the lens smudges. The lens smudges are reactive and only show when there is some light from the light leaks or sun in the frame. Use this value to set how visible they are. It is usually a good idea to set them just slightly fainter than the level that makes them obvious. They show up more in plain skies and empty frames.
