
Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects

2025-02-10 17:13:29 label 我要反馈
Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects

Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects: 16mm Movie Movie VHS is a set of retro-inspired cinematic styles for your videos. The pack has 18 basic layouts divided into square and horizontal layouts - perfect for Instagram or other social media platforms. Additionally, there are over 30 other effects to add to your image: camera frame layouts buttons for cameras' vertical lines, color-based LUTs, and more. This project is available in Full HD resolution, which is 1920x1080. The scenes contain various effects such as glitches, offset distortion, wiggle, and VHS sound. These overlays work well with all kinds of contemporary music videos. You can use it to seamlessly transition between modern and vintage music videos to achieve a unique retro appearance. The presets can be used with images and videos. This set includes an instructional video with commentary.

How to use luts to change the color of images?

You can edit your images using "Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects".

Where can I download the product?

After subscription, You can download it for free from here.

Gfx plugin details of Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects

The product is in the category from Motionarray, for more information about this post you can click on the home page link in the sidebar.
To search for similar products to Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects, 

  • Premiere CC 2018
  • 1920x1080 (HD)
  • No Plug-Ins

What is Motion Array 16mm Movie Effects?

If Motion Array has released a collection of 16mm Movie Effects, a set of video effects or presets designed to simulate the look and feel of 16mm film. These effects may include characteristics such as grain, color grading, and other elements commonly associated with the analog film format.
